Business networking for the awakened.
Lets' create a better future!

Do you feel like you've stepped into a bizarre, upside-down universe? Are your values now seen as rebellious? Have you been told that wanting a nice life for yourself and your family is somehow offensive? Well, we want to talk to you!

All this talk about "building back better" isn't happening—at least, not for us. We know the globalists aren't here to save us; they're too busy filling their pockets and hatching sinister plans for our future. We say no to their dreams of oppression and control. We have to build a better future ourselves. We're connecting people who can see through the propaganda and are unwilling to comply. Together, we're consciously focusing on growing our businesses and co-creating the future we want.


We believe in a meritocracy where people succeed based on their skills and hard work. If you want to do business with people who can speak freely, be yourself, and not tiptoe around those who either believe this week's psyop or are asleep at the wheel, then we are your people. Come talk to us. Rebel Heart is a networking group for those willing to show up and build a freedom economy.


How it works


Rebel Heart meets bi-weekly. You belong to a hub, either in real life or online. This is where you'll connect with like-minded individuals and get to know each other.


Each meeting, you have an opportunity ask for referrals - asking is the key to receiving! A referral is as simple as recommending a fellow member's services to others.


Choose to buy from or collaborate with businesses in our network whenever possible. This not only boosts the community's economy but also strengthens our bond.


At meetings, there is an opportunity to talk about how a member did a great job for you or helped in someway. Being grateful increases the vibration and elevates reality.


Schedule one-on-one meetings with various members. This helps in understanding their offerings better and fosters closer relationships.


Regularly, you will be asked to present a 10 -15 minute talk about your business and what you have to offer. A deeper understanding makes it easier for others to refer.

Open Network Access

You can visit other hubs and online meetings throughout the Rebel Heart network. This allows you to magnify your message, foster connections, and absorb diverse perspectives.


Create a profile to list your business and tell your story, so people can look for specific products and services in the network.


Many of us grew weary during COVID, witnessing political, social, and business changes. Some of us were shunned, and others were disenchanted with people who seemed to betray a social contract about health and personal sovereignty. We've seen the intentional dismantling of the middle class and independent businesses. There's obvious collusion between the government, lobbies, and corporations to consolidate influence and resources. We have to work together to stop it.

As the world shifted towards remote work, online selling, and tech-driven interactions, we found ourselves yearning for more. We craved honest conversations, authentic relationships, and creative thinking outside the confines of the old systems. At Rebel Heart, we stand for open dialogue. Here, your voice is not just heard; it is celebrated. You can express yourself freely and support others who, like you, see beyond the inauthentic, manipulated narratives thrust upon you.

We are not mere bystanders in the face of global attempts to undermine the middle class and small businesses. We are active opponents. We aim to build a rich community with prosperity, connections, creativity, and freedom. By coming together and fostering businesses and families driven by passion and independence, we can keep our resources within our community. We encourage cash and trade, keeping our commerce free and untainted by those who wish to control us. This is our fight, and we are ready to stand up for what we believe in.

Connecting People. Shaping the Future

Fellow rebels, patriots and seekers of truth, welcome to Rebel Heart Network, a business networking organization where we're forging connections among the conscious, the courageous, and the sovereign. In these times of upheaval and deception, many of us have felt isolated or marginalized for daring to question the status quo or for refusing to swallow the pill of lies peddled as truth.

Here, in this network, we're doing something different. We're coming together to build resilient businesses, to support each other consciously, and to break free from the grip of corrupt systems that are trying to hold us back. It's a call to action: to stand up and create what we deserve together: wealth, prosperity, support, and community. It's time to collaborate with a community that shares your vision of a future illuminated by possibility and authenticity.

Join us, fellow rebels and truth-seekers, in shaping a future that reflects our values and aspirations. Let's reclaim our voices, our businesses, and our freedoms. We are the architects of a new era where courage meets integrity, and truth prevails over fear.

Welcome to the revolution.

Grow your business
Join us to expand your business through referrals, directory features, and shared insights from our members. Connect with a community of like-minded individuals, access valuable resources, and collaborate on inspiring projects that propel your business forward.
Grow your business
Build genuine relationships
Membership with us means connecting with genuine, supportive individuals who value authentic relationships. Foster meaningful connections, collaborate on impactful projects, and receive invaluable support from a community that understands the challenges and triumphs of our journey.
Build genuine relationships
Create a better future
By joining our movement, you're not just a member but a contributor. You become part of a collective dedicated to shaping a brighter future. Collaborate with fellow members to drive positive change, contribute to initiatives aligned with your values, and actively participate in building a thriving community economy independent of authoritarian influence.
Create a better future

We Are Looking for local rebels. 

For those who dare to tread the path less traveled, who value authenticity over convention, and who seek to weave the fabric of a vibrant, awakened community: our call resonates with you if you identify as any of the following:

Homesteaders, Ranchers, Growers, Healers, Artists, Makers, Builders, Clean Eaters, Constitution Lovers, Landscapers, Norm Questioners, Truth Seekers, Designers, Peace Advocates, Caterers, Government Skeptics, Bakers and Bakeries, Florists, Connection Cultivators, Fitness Trainers, Gyms, Auto Mechanics, Insurance Agents, Advertising, Business Coaches, Small Business Owners, Local Merchants, Traditional Farmers, Craftsmen, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Herbalists, Accountants, Traditional Grocers, Alternative Practitioners, Barbers, Real Estate Agents, Seamstresses, Event planners, Tailors, Lightworkers, Financial Advisors, Lawyers, Beekeepers, Social Media Gurus, Psychologist, Blacksmiths, Plumbers, Family-Run Cafes, Holistic Therapists, Constitution Enthusiasts, Venues,Traditional Medicine Practitioners, Woodworkers, Born with Unalienable Rights, Pure Hearts, Hairstylists, fashion brands, marketing specialists, musicians, Rebels, Teachers, Mentors, Crypto-Heads, IT Specialists, Inventors, Writers, Neuroscientists, Ex-military personnel and veterans.

Healing and Wellness
Food and Produce
Tech and Digital
Creatives & Entertainers
business support
Local retailers



Sign up online to join the Rebel Heart Network and book your onboarding meeting.


Attend an onboarding meeting where you'll share your vision and values, and we'll ensure our goals align.


Create your listing in the Rebel Heart Marketplace.


Commit to showing up, bringing energy and vision. Upon approval and payment, proudly become a Rebel Heart member.


We're a tight-knit community of homesteaders, ranchers, and growers, each of us playing a vital role in tending the land and reaping its rewards. Our healers work magic through their hands, and our creatives reflect the beauty within us. Every structure we build reshapes our world, turning us into architects and artisans.

We nourish our bodies with intention and resolve, choosing food that fuels us without poison. Our physical selves project the light within us. While the world sticks to its tired old script, we boldly question the plot. Big governments and corporate tyrants don’t hold sway over us.

The industrial-medical complex and the consolidation of industries hum their tunes, but they don’t define us. Corruption and manipulation have no place in our hearts. We see through the smoke and mirrors; we are not pawns in anyone’s game.

As parents, friends, and community pillars, we stand strong for each other. We speak up, creating sanctuary for others. We are the new world architects, co-creating the blueprints. We stand as guiding lights of authenticity and human connection while others try to dim us.

Love is the foundation we’re built on. It shelters us as we craft a legacy of creation and stands as our protection. Even in uncertain times, our optimism for a brighter future never wavers. This is our purpose.
We focus 80% on building a prosperous future, rich with money, connections, creativity, and freedom. The remaining 20% is about making a stand against the globalists and their sinister agenda. We work together to ensure our resources stay within our community, fostering financial independence and resilience.

We weave a tapestry of resilience, honest intentions, positive beliefs, and unyielding strength. We champion truth, sow the seeds of change, and stand as beacons of hope. We are Rebel hearts, daring to make a difference that resonates through generations.

We Stand For











Every Rebel Heart member brings unique needs and aspirations, and we understand the challenge of fitting networking into an already busy schedule. Whether you thrive on the tangible energy of in-person meetings or prefer the convenience of online engagements, our flexible membership is designed to suit you. Let's go!


Join a Home Hub: As a Rebel Heart member, you become a cherished part of a vibrant hub, unlocking its distinctive resources and community. Participate in bi-monthly meetings with your home hub, exchanging insights, stories, and collaboration openings.

Open Network Access: Although you have a home hub, you can visit other hubs and online meetings throughout the Rebel Heart network. This allows you to magnify your message, foster connections, and absorb diverse perspectives.

Regular Meetings: Attend scheduled meetings with your hub, sharing insights, experiences, and collaboration opportunities.

Community Engagement: Create, or participate in hub events, collaborations, and projects to connect and grow alongside fellow members.

Referral Opportunities: Promote your business and tap into recommendations from hub members, amplifying your reach and clientele.

Market Place listing: Be found and supported in our network, free listing in the Rebel Heart 

Exclusive Benefits: Enjoy member-only discounts, marketplace listings, and other unique perks exclusive to your hub.

Tell Your Story: Be interviewed for our Rebel Heart Podcast. * first 20 members.

Choose your membership type and visit a Rebel Heart meeting today. 


Join the Rebel Heart Network today.

Select which hub you would prefer as your home base from the options below, as we are opening soon in these areas.



Sign Up Now  

We need leaders!

We need grassroots leadership to create a resilient, free economy that grows prosperity in our community and fights globalism. Business owners are natural leaders—courageous, with clarity of vision, and already manifesting the reality of how they want to live. The Rebel Heart Network must grow fast. Millions of small business owners feel isolated, believing it's them against the world. The attack on small businesses and their families is real—togetherness is our way to inoculate ourselves against the globalist thirst for control and servitude.

If you want to shine a light so others can follow towards a bright future, speak to us! This is a sign that you are needed.
Are you interested in leading a Rebel Heart Network hub? Join us and help lead the charge towards a thriving, independent, and prosperous community.