no to lockdown
Essential Workers or Essential Control?

The Vital Role of Small Businesses in Preserving Democracy I decided to continue my rant about you being an essential worker. Understanding that you are essential is fundamental to the idea that you will not comply when they…

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essential worker
You Are An Essential Worker

This is in response to the recent mention that lockdowns might come back. First of all, I say, ‘f*ck that shit.’ I packed up and left Melbourne to escape the lockdowns, if you know my story. I have…

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The Constitutional Heartbeat

How Rebel Heart Business Network Aligns with America’s Founding Principles In America’s history, few documents are as significant as the Constitution. It’s not a piece of paper, that a few rebels scribbled some notes on,  but it is…

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When the Challenge of Norms Unsettles Us

We live in an age of unprecedented access to information, where answers are a mere click away. And I know many of you have been on the nasty end of being cancelled for speaking up. So this blog,…

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